Hi all,
I have an issue with baby mollies dying on me on pretty much 1 per day basis now!! I have 2 tanks, one is a 27-gallon tank that is around 8 months old and I have no bother with but my second tank has got problems! It is a 16 gallon tank that’s around 5 months cycled now and has had quite a few fish come and go in there but none die up until recently, I set up the 2nd tank around 5 months ago because my platys wouldn’t stop have fry so I cycled it as a breeding tank if u like (well somewhere for the babies to live till they were big enough to take to the shop) anyway I had around 11 platys in the tank that are now all but 4 have gone to new homes but around a month ago the wife bought a couple of mollies (one black one white) from the local pet shop and put them in the tank but within 2 weeks of having them we found a load of baby mollies swimming around well 32 to be precise, anyway a good week after they were born the black molly died which was a shock but I have heard fish do sometimes die after giving birth, the mollies grew fine for a good month till there now around the size of a finger tip but last week I found a dead baby dead and bloated on the top of the water all decayed so I though it was just natural causes and thought no more about it until the next day when I found another then another then another every day I find 1 dead baby and now Im alarmed as 8 have now died in just over a week some time just bloated other times a bit chewed up! I transfer the mother (what I believed to be the mother) into my main tank after I found the 2nd dead baby thinking she could be attacking them but they are still dying! I have 4 platys in there that aren’t much bigger and they just go about there own business they never attack or bother them so that rules them out, the water readings are as normal ammonia 0,nitrite 0,ph 6,6 and nitrate around 20-30 and I do water changes every week and gravel cleans every 2 weeks, the fish all look healthy with no marks or signs of illness and feed like crazy, I don’t have any natural plants in there just artificial but I do have a lot of snails because I don’t have any clown loaches or snail eating fish in there but tonight I noticed a lot of small white little leeches/worms sliding across the glass that worried me as I have never seen these b4 and now Im wondering if this is what is killing the mollies?
Any help or advice would be really helpful, as I can’t figure out what’s causing these sudden deaths
Thank you
I have an issue with baby mollies dying on me on pretty much 1 per day basis now!! I have 2 tanks, one is a 27-gallon tank that is around 8 months old and I have no bother with but my second tank has got problems! It is a 16 gallon tank that’s around 5 months cycled now and has had quite a few fish come and go in there but none die up until recently, I set up the 2nd tank around 5 months ago because my platys wouldn’t stop have fry so I cycled it as a breeding tank if u like (well somewhere for the babies to live till they were big enough to take to the shop) anyway I had around 11 platys in the tank that are now all but 4 have gone to new homes but around a month ago the wife bought a couple of mollies (one black one white) from the local pet shop and put them in the tank but within 2 weeks of having them we found a load of baby mollies swimming around well 32 to be precise, anyway a good week after they were born the black molly died which was a shock but I have heard fish do sometimes die after giving birth, the mollies grew fine for a good month till there now around the size of a finger tip but last week I found a dead baby dead and bloated on the top of the water all decayed so I though it was just natural causes and thought no more about it until the next day when I found another then another then another every day I find 1 dead baby and now Im alarmed as 8 have now died in just over a week some time just bloated other times a bit chewed up! I transfer the mother (what I believed to be the mother) into my main tank after I found the 2nd dead baby thinking she could be attacking them but they are still dying! I have 4 platys in there that aren’t much bigger and they just go about there own business they never attack or bother them so that rules them out, the water readings are as normal ammonia 0,nitrite 0,ph 6,6 and nitrate around 20-30 and I do water changes every week and gravel cleans every 2 weeks, the fish all look healthy with no marks or signs of illness and feed like crazy, I don’t have any natural plants in there just artificial but I do have a lot of snails because I don’t have any clown loaches or snail eating fish in there but tonight I noticed a lot of small white little leeches/worms sliding across the glass that worried me as I have never seen these b4 and now Im wondering if this is what is killing the mollies?
Any help or advice would be really helpful, as I can’t figure out what’s causing these sudden deaths
Thank you