Baby Loach


Fish Fanatic
Aug 13, 2006
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K I have weather loaches I have had one for about a month or more and got 2, 2 days ago. One of the two new ones had fin rot on his back and passed away yesterday..... today however there is a small fish in the tank it looks just like a weather loach only it is about half and inch big.......

Now I have had a few weather loaches in the past with the oldest one for some reason they like to die on me or jump out of the tank......... anyways long story short here why is there only one of the mini fish and where would the eggs have been laid?

The tank is 100 us gallons with sand on one side and crushed coral on the other, fake plants drift wood and some shells the PH is 7.6 and the ammonia nitrate is 0ppm the temp is 80 degrees and there is a bubble curtain along the back and one side. The filter is a fluval 204 (canister) the bigger weather loaches are not full grown and are only about 5 inches or less big..... stocking is
2 weather loaches 5 inches or less
4 angels quarter size
1 red finned shark 5 inches
1 red tailed black shark 2inches
1 sailfin (I think) Pleco 2 inches
half inch unknown

What do I do with the unknown ... just leave it? were did unknown come from and can I expect more if this is a baby weather loach?
Likely reason you only see one is that most got eaten. RTBS should eat eggs, angelfish will definitely eat small fish, etc..
found a few more... they hid out in the substrate and under the driftwood. are they baby loaches? do I just leave them in there? and should I expect mroe in the future?
Hey just saw this thread for the first time. What ever happened with this? Did they end up being loaches? Worms? Are they still there?

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