So, after doing my weekly water change, I happened to glance at my under gravel filter and saw an eel like thing about 1 inch long swimming up and down against the bubbles. Upon closer examination, I realized it was indeed a baby black kuhlie loach! I now have 4 black kuhlie loaches in my tank, possibly more! I took the charcoal filter part off of my undergravel filter so that if any more baby kuhlies get there they'll be free. What amazes me is the size of the kuhlie, and how long they've probably gone without food. It made me so happy when I saw the face with the tiny barbels, and it just swam off under a rock with the other three adult kuhlies. It was the last species I expected to see babies from, considering I have platies (livebearers), and panda cories (supposedly one of the easiest species of cories to breed).
I can't get pics due to the behavior of the kuhlies, cause they always hide under rocks. I am getting sand this weekend, though, so I'll remove the undergravel filter and see if I find anything other than gunk.
I can't get pics due to the behavior of the kuhlies, cause they always hide under rocks. I am getting sand this weekend, though, so I'll remove the undergravel filter and see if I find anything other than gunk.