baby kribs!!!


Oct 6, 2003
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out to lunch
only had my pair of kribs about 2 weeks and for one of those weeks they have beenhiding, knowing what they are like i suspected they may be breeding, and tonight i got my first glimpse of the new family - maybe 30 or so little fry, about 2-3mm long being ushered about by their VERY protective parents.

so couple o' questions

1, should i move my bully blue acara - someone is going to get hurt, and i dont want him eating the fry either

2, any special thoughts re feeding the fry

3, what else should i know - had no intention of breeding, and actually hoped i had a pair of males...
1) Yes, a pair of kribs with a brood is a force to be reconed with and the acara is going to be public enemy number one.

2) To make sure the krib fry get enough food add some very finely powdered flake food at least twice a day, within a few weeks they will be able to cope with small live/frozen foods.

3) Not much else to say really other than dont be disapointed if the fry suddenly disapear, it is quite common for the fist spawn to go wrong but they will go for it again soon after if it does.
CFC said:
1) Yes, a pair of kribs with a brood is a force to be reconed with and the acara is going to be public enemy number one.

3) Not much else to say really other than dont be disapointed if the fry suddenly disapear, it is quite common for the fist spawn to go wrong but they will go for it again soon after if it does.
not to hijack the thread but why does the first spawn go bad? I have heard people say the first spawn goes bad but havent heard what happens or why....
Congrats, Andy :D Little guys are always so cute. Yep, the acara is going to be seen as a REAL problem. Got somewhere else to put him?

On feeding, as long as you have live plants, and are seeing the parents eat, don't even worry about the fry. I watched my adults take food to the fry, chew it up and spit it out for them. Kribs are WONDERFUL parents and will feed the fry, so you don't have to :)

rollntider, from my experience, they need to "get the hang" of parenting. At first, it seems like everything is a threat to them, and a threat means "eat the eggs/fry before anyone else does". Make sure they have multiple caves, and they WILL move the fry (and even the eggs) making them feel more safe as they have control. Once they realize they have the ability to "beat the other fish up"....they seem to do better. ;)
Mamaschild said:
Congrats, Andy :D Little guys are always so cute. Yep, the acara is going to be seen as a REAL problem. Got somewhere else to put him?

On feeding, as long as you have live plants, and are seeing the parents eat, don't even worry about the fry. I watched my adults take food to the fry, chew it up and spit it out for them. Kribs are WONDERFUL parents and will feed the fry, so you don't have to :)

rollntider, from my experience, they need to "get the hang" of parenting. At first, it seems like everything is a threat to them, and a threat means "eat the eggs/fry before anyone else does". Make sure they have multiple caves, and they WILL move the fry (and even the eggs) making them feel more safe as they have control. Once they realize they have the ability to "beat the other fish up"....they seem to do better. ;)
thanks mamaschild...just got into them myself, and was hoping they spawn eventually....congrats on the fry andy :thumbs:
thanks for the advice guys - i do have somewhere else for the acara, a fully cycled but empty tank, iknew i would have to take it downor put something in it soon - but i cant catch him :thumbs: :grr:

how quickly will the fry grow?

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