baby hammys born about 1 hour ago


Mar 21, 2005
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well ive just gone to feed ople my hammy and i seen she was no longer fat so i immideatley got my hand out of the cage and had a quick but quiet look at her and some of the bedding which shes kicked out of her bed in to the middle of the cage.i seen she was wet on her belly which i expect is milk or something from the birth but its not blood.but i have noticed on the bedding which shes kicked out her bed is theres blood on it is this just from the birth or has she killed some of the young :unsure: well ive just left her now ive give her fresh food and water but any help with my question would be great thx. :D

I'm not sure about the blood thing, but under no circumstances touch/move/alter the bedding, mum or the babies. Leave the cage set up exactly how it is - no rearranging. Hamster mums are very sensitive and the slightest thing can trigger them killing the babies.
Yea, I wouldn't bother them for at least a week. Only get near the cage when you are putting more food or water and dont touch the babies. When my gerbil had babies there was blood everywhere so I think it should be fine. Just keep in mind that she will eat the ones that are sick. Good luck :)
Congratulations :D I agree with everyone else i would disturb her at all from now on only to feed her and give her water. The bloods probably of the babies as they were born as all young are covered in mucas and blood at birth till mum cleans them up so its probably just that, keep us posted on their progress :)
thx for the advice on the blood thing.the babys are 2 days old now and as far as i know from them squeeking noise they make there just fine.ive only gone near the cage to put fresh food and water in and ople the mum has been fine with it.from wat ive read they should start to explore the cage a bit at 10-12 days old but i still cant touch till there about 3 weeks old.cant wait to see how many there is and wat colours and personalitys they are.i will keep u posted on there progress and hopefully pics will be on there way. :D
b.c.f.c said:
thx for the advice on the blood thing.the babys are 2 days old now and as far as i know from them squeeking noise they make there just fine.ive only gone near the cage to put fresh food and water in and ople the mum has been fine with it.from wat ive read they should start to explore the cage a bit at 10-12 days old but i still cant touch till there about 3 weeks old.cant wait to see how many there is and wat colours and personalitys they are.i will keep u posted on there progress and hopefully pics will be on there way. :D
Congrats! I can't wait to see pics. I'm glad everything turned out ok :nod: :thumbs:
When our hamster had babies she produced fourteen of them and they all made it to adulthood!

thx for the replies guys.the babys are about 8 days old now and wat ive seen of them when they fall out the nest sometimes there mainly white and brown but theres one white one that ive noticed today and i wana keep it so ive got to persuade me mum.ople the mum seems great with them still but sometimes seems to get fustrated and starts chewing at the bars of her cage rearly hard,i seen on anotherr post that this can be bad for them but i wana know wat effects it can have on the hammy. shes chewed all the white paint stuff off the bars and im getting a bit concerned -_- .ive got a tank i could move her into but i dont wana just yet becus of the babys.any advice would be great thx in advance. :D
When my mice gave birth there wasn't really any blood in the bedding. Except for when one of my mice killed one of their babies. :-( I had a 10 gallon with three mice in it. 2 females and 1 male (sold to me as all females :rolleyes: ) and the other female grabbed a baby and ate it. I just thought that mouse was the mom and was carrying the baby to the nest. I immediately tried saving the baby, but there was no hope. :-(
One of my mice also gave birth to 14 babies. We donated them all to a LPS once they were big enough. :thumbs:

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