Baby Guppies All Died:\


Fish Fanatic
Dec 28, 2011
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Help guys I Had 2 Guppies Pregnant Both Had Babys I set up A Smaller Tank for The Guppies To Have the babys in but set it up the same day as the guppies gave birth.. bought new filter for the smaller tank and some decor.. But woke up This Morning To A cloudy Tank and No Baby Fish.. What Did I Do Wrong Guys! As I Was To Breed More Guppies And Possibly Move On To Breed Other fish As Well

Cheers guys

CMan! :(:(:(:(
You should have left your guppy's in the original tank, perhaps add floating plants or a plastic pan scrubber to float on the top, the babies would do fine and hide from the parents and grow. I have four female guppies and I just leave them in my tank and let them get on with it. Now I am overrun with 30 to 40 babies at varouse sizes all swimming around like the own the place. They even get into the external pump and still alive inside. Fished five of them out of the pump unit last weak and they still happily swam around like they own the place.

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