Baby ghost shrimps.. =)


May 4, 2003
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T.O (Toronto)
today during water changes...i saw a baby ghost shrimp...and then i fed my fish..and guess wut...i saw it pull the flake into it; little "hiding spot" where no fish could go into since it's UNDer a rock..well the "hiding place" is hard to explain..


1. is it safe to put it in my breeding trap with my baby platty?
2. are they easy to raise? any special needs?
3. um this is about my fry...why doesnt it swim ? it is on the bottom of the moves like 1nce every 5 mins :/ why doesnt it constantly swim? i have had him/her fro 1.5 month
Can't help ya with the fry but I'd leave the baby ghostie alone, they're masters at hiding and quite quick if chased.
I reckon the baby ghost shrimp will do fine on it's own :)

As for the fry, if you've had that for 1.5 months, it should be big enough for main tank life, I would think.
Just thought of something about the fry...perhaps it's inbred and it's just a slow grower. :/ I bought a feeder guppy fry for my turtle tank...the turtle never ate it...but the guppy has lived with the turtle for months and months (at least 6) and it has barely grown at's actually just now starting to get it's colors. My lfs told me it's because it's inbred :dunno:

As for your happy you have one survivor, they're hard to breed and you should be pleased. Get some sort of floating plant for them to hang out in. If you can catch it before the eggs hatch, you can remove the entire plant to another tank and hatch them.
wuvmybetta said:
Just thought of something about the fry...perhaps it's inbred and it's just a slow grower. :/ I bought a feeder guppy fry for my turtle tank...the turtle never ate it...but the guppy has lived with the turtle for months and months (at least 6) and it has barely grown at's actually just now starting to get it's colors. My lfs told me it's because it's inbred :dunno:

As for your happy you have one survivor, they're hard to breed and you should be pleased. Get some sort of floating plant for them to hang out in. If you can catch it before the eggs hatch, you can remove the entire plant to another tank and hatch them.
... :D i never knew ghosties were hard to breed!!! =) ah..i luv that lil dude even more..but the problem is that i can never find him..transparent..small.. :alien: lol it is really for the fry, it's getting it's color

and wut does inbred means?

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