I was just watching my tank and noticed something tiny crawl along my sand bed. Like, half the length of my pinky nail. Looking closely, I realized it was a tiny, perfectly formed Cajun Dwarf Cray. I got three hoping some reproduction would get going and I guess my wish was granted...they seem just as easy to breed as cherries.
Dunno how many there are in the tank now, though sadly their chances are sort of limited I believe between the Cories, Kuhli, various fish who visit the bottom...and my siphoning job However, I hope at least some run through the gauntlet. Plenty o places in there for a lad to hide.
Dunno how many there are in the tank now, though sadly their chances are sort of limited I believe between the Cories, Kuhli, various fish who visit the bottom...and my siphoning job However, I hope at least some run through the gauntlet. Plenty o places in there for a lad to hide.