Baby Crayfish Questions


Fish Crazy
Mar 30, 2011
Reaction score
ohio, united states
So my female has had her eggs almost a week and with roughly 3 weeks to go, I want to make sure I have stuff ready for when the lil buggers hatch. She is currently in my 55 gallon community tank with mollys, guppys, tetras,snails, and ghost shrimp. She has built herself a rather elaborate den under two pieces of lava rock in that tank very close to the air stone and one of my filter intakes. So here go the questions

1. Will the fry be small enough that I need to be concerned about covering the filter intakes in sponge?( I have looked online and cant find out how big they are)
2. In have a currently empty 55 gallon I intended the fry to move into after mommy stopped protecting them. Should I instead move her there while she is covered in eggs and then move her a few weeks after thye hatch? (I do not have a cycled filter for that tank but it will be only her and the fry in it if I do it that way)
3. If I do not move the mother prior to the hatch will the babys be munchies for the mollies?
4. I intend to feed them frozen brine shrimp once they are hatched but someone told me they have little nutritional value. Should I use somthing else instead?
5. Is there any other advice some one could give me to help make sure as many as possible survive?

I ask here because most sites on blue crays have the same info and a lot of it has turned out to be wrong info or slightly skewed info.

Thanks in advance all help appreciated greatly

Oh and they are florida blues. I beleive it is procambrias alani?
From what i remember when reading up before, The female must be removed once the larvae detach.The larvae should be around a inch in length,If there is not enough hiding spaces or room the they will start eating each other, from breeding until hatching should take around a month,
I hope ive managed to keep it translated for you, this web has some good info

That is a pretty nice site.It is also good to know they are bigger then filter openings. but I would still appreciate If anyone could give advice on the other questions I asked. I am planting and starting the filter in the new 55 this weekend(sand substrate some live plants(all low light) hopefully some bog wood and lava rock). So I am still trying to decide if she should move to that tank before the hatch. From what I have read the babys are fairly vulnerable to water conditions early on and that tank is not cycled. Though her and the young would be all that is in a 55 gallon. Some sights have stated that the mother will protect the young for like 2 weeks but eventually they stray apart so I am realy not sure if I should seperate immediately.
Ok to sort the filter, take filter media from already set up tank, squeeze all the gunk into new filter, and add the crap water from the old filter, this should seed the new filter,if i was you i would leave them where they are, Remove the other tank mates to the new tank, then when theyve detached id move the mother etc to new tank, leaving them where they are, thats my oppinion, but are you aware of the efforts, you will need more tanks to raise fully i would think, is it worth it?
If yes then go for it, otherwise leave as is,sure a few would surive
Im only keeping em till they are about an inch and a half long. Then they will either go store credit to a local mom and pop fish store or they will go on craigs list. They are around 30 bucks a piece hyere in the bigger shops so if I sell em for 5-10 bucks the more the merrier.

Unfourtunately thye moving of her tank mates would be almost impossible there is like 30 fry in that tank besides all the adults. That is also the lving room tank I dont see my wife likeing the idea ;-/. The tank they are in has 2 filters one with ceramic rings and one with a bio wheel. I am gonna buy one of the big bio wheel filters (probably and emperor 400) for the new one. I guess I can steal the wheel off of the one in the current tank because they have the other filter to keep em going for now.

Would moving her be to stressfull on her since she has the eggs?
I could not say,i tried to move fish with eggs before and it never worked, but being crays it could work, would not like to say, that is just what i would do, wouldnt worry about moving the fry, what sounds to me like best bet i would do is, leave it all as is, wait until they hatch, see how things go,
Yeah I will leave her where she is. I talked to the owner of the lil fish store. He was giddy as hell at the idea of getting them for store credit. Said he would take em all soon as they hatch and use his tanks till they were bigger so I have a goodplace for them to go :D.

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