Baby Cory..


New Member
Nov 27, 2010
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Well I put 6 bronze Corys in my newly cycled tank, a week or two ago.

I was pleased to see eggs on the glass after 24 hours, so I guessed they were doing OK.

I did a water change today, and saw what I can only assume was a baby Cory!

It was about half a centimeter long, and looked like thin tadpole, but with a speckled/daker pattern on it?

It was fast enough to stay away from it's aunts and uncles, and also dodged a neon who looked at him funny, so I'm hoping he'll make it.

My question;

I bought a breeding net to hang in the tank, will this do to keep the fry?

Should I grab the eggs off the glass and put them in there?

How long after the eggs are laid is the best time to move them? (They seem to get laid at night).

Ta :)
Yes, the fry does sound like bronze cory fry, so woop woop!! :yahoo:


I bought a breeding net to hang in the tank, will this do to keep the fry?

Indeed it will, for the first few weeks anyway - you might want to have a small tank setup for the fry when the get bigger.. :good:

Should I grab the eggs off the glass and put them in there?

I wouldnt grab them with your fingers as the eggs have been known to pop. I would recommend using an old credit card or gift card to get them off the wall, whilst holding a net underneath to catch the eggs :D

How long after the eggs are laid is the best time to move them?

I would say after the eggs have been spawned leave them for 30 minutes to harden making them less likely to pop when you take them off the wall. ^_^

Thanks for that :)

I've collected about 30 eggs and put them in the net, we'll see if they hatch.

Some of them might have been nibbled a bit but we shall see.

Also saw another (smaller) fry in the main tank, hiding under the bogwood, so chances are there are a few hiding out here and there.

I'm going to order some fry friendly plants, give any in the main tank a better chance.
That's brilliant. Well done. Mine seem to lay eggs but I haven't seen any fry yet. I think the eggs just seem to get eaten so far.
An update.

They wont stop!

I have at least 3 'free range' (naturally survived) fry/juveniles in my tank, big enough to venture out with the big boys (between 0.5 and 1 cm). I put 15 eggs in a breeder net and now have 10 or so smaller fry in there. I've been dropping a bit of liquifry and some tetra 'baby' and they seem to be doing OK.

I get a new clutch of eggs every day or two.

I'm on holiday next week, so the little ones are going into the main tank to take their chances.

Some pictures

For the curious:

5 cories, probably 2 females and 3 males, but I'm guessing from slight differences in size.

Water is soft probably 50mg/l
PH is 7.5
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 20-40
Temp 25.5

They like the flow from the filter outlet to lay their eggs, and it seems to stop them getting close enough to eat them as well.

I think if I just left them to their own devices, I'd have a cory only tank in 6 months... :)
Well done! Im been after a group of bronze corys but not so easy to get where i am and to see you have them breeding....jelous lol
I must be lucky with the tapwater here I guess.

I thought bronze corys were pretty much common everywhere?

If anyone thinks eggs will survive being posted, I'd send you some :)
I say no,they're far to delicate and may end up with fungus on them or get squashed in the post.

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