Baby Cory


Fish Herder
Mar 30, 2008
Reaction score
Queensbury, NY
after a week of tending to cory eggs i woke up this morning to find that five eggs had hatched. i am happy to report that all five seem to be doing well.

my question is what do i do know? how do i give them the best chance from here to growing up into 5 strong healthy pepper cories?
Hi Night61 :)

You did a good job just getting a picture of them at that age. :thumbs:

Beside protecting them from bigger fish, they need you to give them lots of clean water and good food. This means daily partial water changes. Since they live and rest on the bottom of the tank, uneaten food and waste that accumulates on it can be dangerous, even fatal, to them.

I strongly favor keeping them in a small tank with a thin layer of sand on the bottom. Once they are a couple of weeks old, the sand can be gently stirred to release uneaten food during water changes. This goes a long way toward keeping them healthy.

For their first week, I cover them in filter mulm. Once they come to the surface and start becoming active, I start feeding microworms and Hikari First Bites. In just a few weeks they will be big enough to feed regular flakes, Hikari Sinking Wafers and shaved bits of bloodworms.

I've just mentioned the basics and I'm sure others will be along to suggest other helpful things. There is no single "right" way to raise corys as long as their environment is kept clean.

Good luck with them. :D
oh i am a little on the ocd side, before i leave for work, once i get up in the morning and sometimes when i get home from work i use my faithful turkey baster to clean up the bottom of the breeding trap, since the trap is in a clean tank the most i have done is scooted the trap a bit to cycle the water a bit. while the betta in the tank is curious about his young companions he can by no means get to them, i think he is just jealous at this point that they get the shrimp pellets and he doesn't :lol:
i can do a water change on the whole tank. i am sure the bettas would love that too.

i figure once they beyond the bite sized stage the 10 gallon already has sand in it and a pass though that the pygmy cories used to use when they were residents of the tank. it is a good start up home for a cory i beleive.
Hi Night61 :)

Just take care to rub the bottom of the breeding trap before changing the water. If not you will soon see a film form on it. The ten gallon tank sounds good. You'll be surprised how quickly they grow and will soon be big enough to move.
Hi Night61 :)

Just take care to rub the bottom of the breeding trap before changing the water. If not you will soon see a film form on it. The ten gallon tank sounds good. You'll be surprised how quickly they grow and will soon be big enough to move.
great suggestion, i need more aqurium wipes my mom used the last of them.
i will scrub the little bottom.
i sware though the little guys look like tadpoles
only 3 corries left another one vanished.
however more eggs have appeared in the tank, i have two females in the tank they seem to be rotating, debating on grabbing those eggs as well.
Hi Night61 :)

Sorry you lost another one but it's to be expected. As tiny as they are when they hatch, not all will be perfectly developed. I think that's why they are such prolific spawners.

You might as well harvest as many eggs as you can. It's no more difficult to raise a big batch than just a few. :D
i sware between the cories and the snails i am going to be babies out by the end of the summer
You may not have to worry too much about the snails, though. I have 5 snails to keep maintenance down and they laid eggs EVERYWHERE! There were literally hundreds and then the babies hatched... And now my adult snails eat them :/ because I maybe see twenty of these little brown specks now and more disappear everyday, which is good because I got them to breed so my mother's puffer could eat them... but the puffer died so now I have a billion snails and nothing to do with them
my mysteries i sware they know when i am busy.
i told them they were not allowed to lay anymore eggs until all of them had homes. a year later only 5 of that original batch left, but they are not overwellming the tank

my cories are at it yet again laying eggs. how often do they lay eggs? honestly i think this is the third week in a row
Hi Night61 :)

I have pandas like that too. Don't worry, they will slow down in time especially with the warmer weather coming on.

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