Baby Cories at lfs


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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Today at the lfs I saw the cutest baby peppered and spotted cories :wub: :wub:

I'm a sucker for cories anyway, but babies are just too cute! Some were about as long as a penny! So tiny!

I'd really like some, but I'm wondering if such young cories would be more likely to be stressed and prone to disease. Should I try the babies, or just stick with the older ones?
Go for it.After all...someone is going to get them and it might as well be you.They'll have a better chance at a good home because you have all the knowledge here at your fingertips.Post pics :wub:

I wonder if I should get all babies, or get an adult or two? Would they feel more secure if they had a "big sister or big brother"? The little babies were really active at the lfs...hardly hanging around "the old fudyduddies" :lol:
Hi dixaisy930 :)

Baby corys are cute indeed. :wub:

Whether or not I would buy them would probably depend on the availability of larger ones, the price, and how much I trust the lfs that is selling them.

On the one hand, they are still small enough to be delicate and some loss might expected, so the price should be low enough that you can buy a few extra. After all, the breeder probably made less when he sold them and that's fair since feeding them until they are larger costs money, not to mention all the work involved.

On the other hand, if the lfs bought them from a local breeder, perhaps one of his patrons, they were raised in local water and the change to your tank might be an easy one with little stress on them.

Peppered corys are generally sturdy little fish. I have 21 young adults which I got as a trade when they were a little larger than the ones you describe, but still quite small. Every one of them has lived and they are beginning to spawn. Frankly, I'm surprised at that, but very happy. :thumbs:
Those are really good points....well, I have plenty of time to think about it. After work tomorrow, I'll stop by again.
Stopped by the lfs today and picked up six new baby cories! They even look smaller now in with my "big" fish.
:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

If I could only cuddle my fish... :rolleyes: :lol:

I acclimated them for 2 hours, adding a small squirt of tank water every 15-20 minutes...the drive home (30 minutes) was ridiculous....I drove so carefully, taking turns slow and watching for bumps and holes...along with some soft classic, instead of my usual loud music...

What I won't do for fish... :lol: :rolleyes:
Hi dixaisy930 :)

I'm so happy for you. I'm sure you will enjoy them thoroughly. :thumbs:

There are few things cuter than baby corys. :wub: I hope you have as much luck with them as I did. If so, you will have a tank full of your own fry in a relatively short time. :D
I like getting them young and watching them grow, though unfortunately I need at least one male adult Albino Aeneus to go with my females so I'll end up getting an adult male.
awww congrats dixaisy :) how big are they? I saw some teensy julii (about 1cm) at the lfs the other day and yes, I did wanna hug them...:D
They are definately under an inch...I have a few pics of them up in the photo section of the forum.

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