Baby Clown Trigger!


Fish Addict
Jun 18, 2004
Reaction score
California, U.S.A.
I just bought a baby clown trigger at the lfs and he is sooooooo cute! :wub: I have been planning on getting one ever since I started my s.w. tank. Now that it has run for about a month with no problems I finally got to add him! He is about an inch long, maybe less. It was pretty funny when I put him in with Kihei... I rearranged the rocks and everything and Kihei was still so mean to the clown. Nothing too bad, no fin tearing or anything like that... just a little bit of territoriality. Don't worry about the tank being too small, they are destined for a 75G sometime in the next few months. (Hopefully by my b-day!) Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know... :p I'll try to put some pictures up as soon as I can. :D
The Clown trigger, Balistoides conspicillum, is one of the most easily recognized fish. The white spots on its belly and yellow dorsal markings are very clear. It is found in the Indo-Pacific at depths to about 250 feet, and can grow to approximately 20 inches. Balistoides conspicillum eats a wide variety of benthic organisms, mainly meaty animals.

Balistoides conspicillum can be housed in a community tank when young, but it can become very aggressive as it grows. Many aquarists are able to keep Clown triggers with more peaceful fish for years, only to discover that their fish takes on a nasty personality almost overnight, often killing everything else in the tank. These fish grow very quickly, and there is no predictable size where the personality change occurs. They are not suitable for the reef tank. Tiny Clown triggers, which are commonly collected, have a very high mortality rate. These fish are often a fraction of the usual price of Clown triggers, and have an even higher mortality rate.

Hope you have a tank bigger than 75 gal for the future!!
Actually, I don't think I can afford anything bigger than a 75G... so I'm probably going to have to sell him to one of the lfs near me once he gets to be too big for it. :-( He was also at the lfs for over a month before I bought him and I carefully monitored his health, appetite, etc. He is a very healthy fish! (And quite a little piggy too! :nod: )
3fsh said:
He was also at the lfs for over a month before I bought him and I carefully monitored his health, appetite, etc. He is a very healthy fish! (And quite a little piggy too! :nod: )
Good call. Always wise to do especially with SW fish. I would imagine this guy will be quite happy in your 75 for a good while. When it does get too big, i'm sure somebody will be willing to trade you a nice fish for it.
Make sure the heater cable is well protected. I witnessed a Clown trigger bite into a heater cable with spectacular effects. (Should advise this with nearly all the aggressive triggers really).

I have a friend who has a picasso, a Clown, Dog face puffer and wrasse in his tank (170 Gallon uk). Even a tank this size seems to be only just adequate for these fully gorwn fish. And yes its highly aggressive :crazy:

Beautiful fish though :wub:

I will stick to my more laid back and freindly triggers thanks ;)

Good luck with it though

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