hi i have just seen some baby cichlids in my cichlid tank hiding in one of the caves, can i leave them in there because they would be immposable to catch. will the other cichlids eat them?
lets put it this way if you want them take them out if you dont let them stay and get eaten! Trust me they wont survive welllllll i take that back how many other cichlids are there? The mother and father will protect them for a while then let them go on their way. I have some small snow whites with all the rest of my 3-5 inch cichlids and one just got eaten the snow whites are only about 1 inch long so they kinda sorta stand a chance but i have noticed that my jewel cichlids are the predators of these little snow whites. Good luck
You can try to sperate them with a fine mesh net. What i mean is section off that part of the tank top to bottom. You also might want to hatch some baby brine or buy baby brine frozen and use a eye droper to feed them. If your tank is crowded with other cichlids and you don't move or seperate them there toast. If its not overly crowded then a few might survive