Baby Bristlenoses


Fish Crazy
Apr 23, 2003
Reaction score
Windsor - Berkshire - UK
Have a pair of Bristlenose catfish that - without me seeing - have produced 20 (approx) fry :wub: :wub:

The Bristlenose parents and fry are in a tank shared only with a pair of White Cloud Minnows.

Should I split the fry into a tank on their own or will they just get on with it and find enough food. :/

At the moment I am dropping in cucumber and broken up algae wafers to try and feed this over populated bottom feeder tank? -_-
Ha hem, The fry will be fine where they are for a while, are they free swimming yet?.
Oh, I found out the other day that a breeding pair of bristlenoses at that size could sell for about 50 quid. :/

The fry are now free swimming.

£50 eh?? -_-

Well, as your a mate you can have 'em back for £45 ;) ;)

If you're online let's goto live chat option - eager to see if it works??
Wow! Congrats :wub:

And how much do the fry cost (once they are ready to be moved) :D

Tried to catch you on the live chat but was too late. :crazy:

Bristlenose babies get sold for £3 in my LFS but I guess that varies.
All the baby bristlenoses ive had all die after around 4 months for no apperent reason :( All grow well and then just drop like flies.Ive tried varying their diets with courgette catfish pellets and bloodworms but the same thing happens everytime,i know of at least one other member of this site who has the same problem.

Good luck with raising them but be prepared for the worst. :(
The lfs round here pays 80 pence each for 1" bristlenoses :/ Im not sure about the £50 for a breeding pair?Theyre not hard to get paired up and are really easy to breed,id have thought £20 would be the most youd get?
Any idea of the latin name? Id be interested in getting some of those :nod:
The best I can do is this species is known as Ancistrus(sp1). They are larger than the common bristlenose Ancistrus(SP3).
If you have trouble tracking any down, PM me and I'll put you intouch with getting some, If I were Nik I'd give you a couple, they're kind of mine anyway :p

You gave up custody of your fish and you only have visiting rights - at the discression of the lawful gaurdian! :lol: :lol:


Nevertheless - CFC - if you're that keen I have quite a few now that they're breeding and would be happy to let you have a few. It's just how would you get them? :/
If CFC realy wants them, I'll bring him up one day, you aren't that far away really. Congrats on your babies :D , it was so sad when CFC's died :( .
That would be good.

Good to meet other forum members.

Let me know if you decide to do this and I'll help direct you to me.
Hi Nik, I would be interested in about 4 for a new breeding program. I go to High Wycombe quite regularily (in fact I'm going up tommorow) is that anywhere near you? Failing that if CFC and alex are getting some I could always collect them off them, depending of course where abouts in london they are :)
CFC said:
The lfs round here pays 80 pence each for 1" bristlenoses :/ Im not sure about the £50 for a breeding pair?Theyre not hard to get paired up and are really easy to breed,id have thought £20 would be the most youd get?
Which fishstore is this, are they Ancistrus Temminicki? I've been trying to source some for months!

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