Baby Bristlenoses


Fish Crazy
Apr 3, 2007
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Basingstoke, Hampshire
I have a pair of Bn which are approx a year old. They laid their first batch of eggs at Christmas, but unfortuantely the eggs were eaten. I noticed a new batch the other week and last Friday they hatched. I had 20 little wigglers and I placed them in a fry net for safe keeping. I now have 18 (2 of the smallest ones died :unsure: ) They have used up their egg sacks now and I have been feeding them on liquifry, tiny sinking pellets, crushed flake and cucumber, but they don't seem to be interested. Any suggestions? They seem healthy and now have a deep brown colouring.
Congratulations. Keep trying with food. Mine ate green beans and peas when they were a few days off their yolks. Also heard they like a tiny bit of cooked chicken egg yolk but it makes a real mess.

Good Luck

Yes they do talke a while to get going with their eating. I would be carefull not to add to much as this could foul the water. I find my babies love cucumber blanched, they just go mad for it and as its softer its easier to eat and digest. They also seem to enjoy King Britsh catfish pelets. These are really small and contain all the nutrients they need includin algae. Good luck and I hope they all do well :)

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