Baby Bristlenose


Fish Fanatic
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Macclesfield (UK)
Just had to share my good news.

I have a cichlid tank,
Labidochromis Caeruleus, 1 male and 3 females, plus about a dozen good sized babies. Born at different times in the last year.

1 Synodontis

2 Bristlenose, bought as juvies about 18 months ago. Turned out to be 1 male and 1 female.

Just spotted a TINY Bristlenose on the glass, about 1cm in length. :hyper:
How exciting! Mine bred for the first time but the tankmates stole the eggs and ate them!Are you going to try to catch it or just let it take its chances?
careful i think you cichlid will try to eat them?
You could always get a breeding trap to keep some in to keep them safe until there a bit bigger and tougher.
Thanks for all the advice.

I have had dozens of cichlid fry in the past 2 years. I usually let nature take its course :unsure:
My theory being that the one that hides best survives the longest. Most of these are now about an inch long.

Not sure what to do with the 1 bristlenose though, dont have a breeding tank. I do have a FLOATING FISH HATCHERY but this is a little small. It basically floats on the surface of the tank. Would this be ok?

Just out of interest how do they give birth. The cichlids are mouth brooders.
the female lays eggs in a cave usually of the males choice, the male fertilizers the eggs and then fans them and keeps them safe, once they hatch he keeps them all in the cave until he is happy to let them out.

I dont think the floating hatchery will be ok, they feed mainly of algae on the glass and plants, id leave him be and hope for the best. di
Thanks, fishyfeet.

That explains a lot of things. I have about 40 kilos of ocean rock in the tank.

On Saturday i sold about a dozen Labidochromis Caeruleus to lfs. In order to catch them i had to remove the rock, except a few larger pieces, 1 of which had the male Bristlenose in. He has been there ever since and wont come out :shifty:

Now i now why. Cheers :good:

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