you really cant see them unless you have them in a clear jar and hold them up to a light.
they look like little white specs of dust that kind of randomly swim around the container in jerking motions.
Mine come out a reddish tan color. After draining and rinsing, they look like they vibrate more than actually swim. They don't swim for long, eaten almost immediatly.
That sounds about right - they are somewhat orange in color, no bigger than a tickle of dust (when in water), and "vibrates" alot. I guess this movement is what attracts most of the fries.
Thanks everyone...they seem to have hatched but they are indeed microscopic.I read somewhere that they lose nutritional value after only a few hours.But I'm having a hard time even being able to tell if the fish have noticed them.Maybe I'll turn the filter off and see if that helps.Thanks again...
They are small, but most fishes notice them when the lights are on. I haven't tried feeding them to 3 inch mbunas (I shouldn't) but anything smaller than 2 inches do enjoy eating them and they do all go nuts over them...
Perhaps they haven't figured out that they are eatable yet...