Baby Brine Shrimp

oh i dont mean as an actual meal just like a treat i guess or do you thjink they wouldnt notice the shrimp?
It might, especially if they're little pigs like mine!! But I think to be a treat you'd have to put in a few.
I think it might be too small and itw ill float to the bottom and foul up your water. My bettas can barely eat Freeze dried daphnia, and it's bigger, so, I dunno.
Just let the shrimp grow a bit and those would be good for the adults, the babies are too small for the adults
If you already have some, try it. It works for Donna so it doesn't hurt to try. They certainly won't hurt them.
when i have left over BBS from feeding my fry i give it to the adults and they CAN see it fine. BBS small to our eyes but not to Bettas.
Yeah, I don't feed my adults bbs regularly or as part of their general diet..but if I have extra left over, I put them in their tanks. And they usually eat them. But my fish are PIGS! LOL And, yes, they eat left over microworms, too.
I feed them to my bettas. Maybe one a week if I have some left over. I'm talking about the live BBS though, not the frozen kind.

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