Baby Bn's


Fish Crazy
Jun 12, 2007
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My first few Bristlenose fry are now about 1 inch long now and growing rapidly, I'm just not sure when is the best time to offer them up to people? I won't ever post fish so I was just after some ideas of how long I should keep hold of them....mainly as I accidentally seemed to make a nice cave for the parents during a clean and they have been busy all night making more :wub:
My LFS is willing to take mine at 1.25" or bigger. That's their minimum selling size.
Cool thanks, have another load of eggs now so guess I need to start thinking about sorting out another tank...hey ho
Good idea. I have seven tanks though one is still in the set up process and one is a shelldweller tank but I should have room for my survivors. An extra tank or two is always a good thing to have on hand.
If you can, you would be better to keep them a bit longer. I suppose it depends on how good your LFS is, but I gave away some at about 1.25", and all but one died, he has a flow-through system in all of his tanks though and apparantely bristlenoses are a bit harder to acclimatise. I waited another 2 months and gave 10 to another store, and they're all fine.

May not always be possible though, pleco's can be dirty fish and your tank will need a lot of attention as they grow. Though they are worth it!

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