Baby Bn Plecos


Mar 4, 2008
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I've had my female Pleco for about 2 years since she was just a few centimetres long and about 6 months ago I saw a georgous large whiskery male - couldnt resist him and bought him. Since then they have had a batch of eggs which were laid in a crevice but my kribs and cardinals bullied him until they got them all.

I bought a set of 3 stacking caves and he took up residence in the bottom one along with my kribs and squeezed himslef into a recess. About 2 weeks ago when I was giving my tank its usual gravel vac and water change I tipped up the cave to hoover and lo and behold he had another clutch of eggs which he was well and truely hiding!

Today I did a water change and as I havent seen him for weeks decided to look to see if he was ok and lo and behold I saw babies! I can only see about 4 but there could be more and they are the size of small tadpoles and all darted back underneath him when they saw me.I am surprised they have survived as I expected my kribs to snatch up any that hatched!

So ive put a piece of courgette in there for them and im hopeing that they pull through. Do any of you have sucess stories of any surviving in a community tank?
Update today - just seen half a dozen tiny ones zooming around the tank. They are so cute and I hope a few will survive!
depends what you have in community tank but should be OK with fairly peaceful fish. The person I got my baby BN from had about 60 BNfry and managed to raise most of them successfully in a community tank till they were 1 inch and big enough to sell.
i had a batch of 100 plus in with some guppys and eygiptian mouth brooders, they had alot survive, but i then removed all after there second batch to concentrate on bringing them up, which you need to keep up on waterchanges, they do seem to have a high death rate when at a very young age, but there great fun to watch looking after eggs and the little babies, its great, enjoy, i have one male left over from my batches, he hid when i emptied tank, lucky boy, been with me now i think two years..
Managed to snap one today and put my finger there for scale......

If you have plenty of hiding places and if your tank is mature enough to provide algae snacks for these guys, then you may find a lot survive.

We had 3 batches in a community tank with gouramis, guppies, swordtails, black phantom tetra, small clown loaches and a synodontis eupterus and most survived ... it was only when we added the bigger clown loaches that numbers dropped :(

I have to say though, the high mortality rate is only in BN fry in community tanks, we now have a breeding setup and have lost only one BN fry out of 4 batches of 80 or so bristlies.

The water changes and correct feeding are what are most important.
I have a community tank with gourami, mollies and platys. I have a breeding pair of longfin bns plus a couple of clown plecs and an albino bn female. My bn's are constantly breeding and my male is left completely alone in his slate cave. No-one even attempts to bother him.

There are lots of caves, bogwood and dense vegetation in my aquarium so my babies seem to do very nicely.
Do you have any problems getting people to take them off your hands?
I give mine away to one of my local fish shops. They aren't allowed to take in fish from the general public to sell on, but instead have a list of schools, colleges, hospitals etc that they pass unwanted fish on to.

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