Baby Blues, Hm Fry Adoption Thread


Fish Crazy
Jun 24, 2005
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Hi guys, just an FYI I am now prepared to let some more of the babies from this spawn go. They are now 5 months.

You will recall that I posted back two months ago. These adoraable babies are totally healthy. What happened is they have a 'stunted spine'. This caused them to grow very slowly, (they are the size of 2-3 monthers, about 1-1.5") and have droopy backends. Also, as they spend more time near the bottom than other bettas, they are nearly all missing ventrals.

Because they are not suitable for breeding I have retired their daddy (who showed droopy-butt syndrome but I thought it was heavy OHM finnage).

I am offering them for shipping cost only, fish free of charges. One box can hold up to four fish, or I can give you a quote for up to six. Their gorgeous Daddy is from Tim Arndt/Maryanne Lewis's lines and is a marble tho it did not appear in the spawn (dad is in my avatar).

I already sold the largest ones last month. The ones remailing are just sexing. The males fins are growing, and females are showing their oviducts. They are all a VERY Vivid Turquoise, some slightly more royal, some more green. All are healty, eat very well all types of foods from flake to pellet, from live to frozen.

The females are NOT sorority raised, for those who need to know. They may be fine together tho, they are kept side by side and are not aggressive.

I'll post a few pics later if you are interested.

I also have some lovely CT babies, a few left now. From an excellent finnage line of marbles/cambos.

I am located in BC Canada, can ship in Canada or USA via Fed Ex, or within Canada with Priority or Express dependent on location.

Feel free to email me email is acting up today but try me [email protected] or use pm system

Thanks and happy fishies! :wub:
omg D= i am soooo tempted. shipping would only cost about like 10 bucks because im like in vancouver o__o and you're like in the okanagan. bleh i wanna see pics :wub:


Ok here are some sample males...most of the males have less or up to this degree of stunting.
Females are similar, maybe to a lesser degree actually.
i think the last bunch shipped that way was about 25, up to five fish.
They are pretty, umm do you have any other babies right now, I am looking for some quality bettas I think my oldest Betta is dying and after my other male goes I will not have petstore Bettas anymore so I am looking for quality, not show Bettas though I dont show! Just something where I know the hatch date ect

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