Baby Bettas!


Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2007
Reaction score
Largo, FL
I have bettas that are 3 1/2 months old, 3 small batches. One batch is a red/red butterfly vail tail, petstore parents. Keeping some.

Next is the Purple/red/blue/turqouoise/green crown tail, parents are Purple and Blue, how I ended up with so many colors is a mistery. And there latest batch is only 7 all red babies :huh: Keeping some.

The last is mustard gas/red cambodian half moon! Parents are Mustard gas and red cambodian super deltas. How common is it for SD to have all HM babies? Well I'm keeping this whole batch, only 5 lived.

I'm trying to find homes for the rest which are two males, and three females from the first batch. And from the second there are four females. I f any one in the US close to FL wants some we might be able to work something out or else they be going to the LFS. I'll have pics up soon. Untill then comment what you think about the colors.
where in fl? and how much for one or two females? i live in fl to and was wondering how close. ^^ :hyper:
Largo, where do you live? For the red ones $2.50 and for the CT the greenish ones are $3.50, purple are $5.00. And if you really want the MG HM we can come up with a reasonable price :D
Largo, where do you live? For the red ones $2.50 and for the CT the greenish ones are $3.50, purple are $5.00. And if you really want the MG HM we can come up with a reasonable price :D

well i live in navarre little town next to penscola. its on the pan haddle. does this fee include shipping? i might take two reds off your hands if it does. ^^ you will have to wait for my to put the money in the mail thou....
Largo, where do you live? For the red ones $2.50 and for the CT the greenish ones are $3.50, purple are $5.00. And if you really want the MG HM we can come up with a reasonable price :D

well i live in navarre little town next to penscola. its on the pan haddle. does this fee include shipping? i might take two reds off your hands if it does. ^^ you will have to wait for my to put the money in the mail thou....
No it dosn't include shipping sorry.

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