Yep all looking like girls though number two is a bit suspect I'm still leaning towards girl, I have a fish identical to your number one, very pretty girl
Numer 2 has some longer belly fins so i think he's probably a male. He/she's just like his/her dad. Bought him as a girl but after taken out the long fin male he made a foamnest.
Are there some other typical thinks i can look at exept from the white spot between the belly fins?
They are only 3 months, give it another 5 - 6 weeks and the true sex will come out. Remb folks that juvvie males will have an egg spot but the '2nd' betta looks suspicious to me.
Hi what tail types are the parents? would love to see a pic of them too the things I look for first are the fins, young males usually become apparent when their anal and ventral fins begin to grow much longer than their female siblings though some females can have long anals and ventrals too so this method isn't foolproof I also check for the white egg spot in the females this is usually apparent at a very early age some people say young males can show this spot but I always find it is never like a pure white dot that a female will have rather a grey splodge, if your young fish has a pure white well defined spot on it's belly it is female, the males do also sometimes develop their beard early on under their gill plates which will show up as a dark extra membrane under their gills and they are less prone to stress striping than the girls which is when they show dark horizontal barring, that is if they are of a dark colour, pale bettas will not show these stripes, here are some of my juvi bettas that are around the same age as yours:
Young male, notice the long anal fin and the bright colours
Young female, paler washed out colours shorter fins and white egg spot
Yep as Dipsy says I also wouldn't recommend keeping male and female together for any length of time other than breeding, all mine are kept seperate, luckily it looks like your spawn is female heavy which is a good thing as they can be kept together, that last one is gorgeous and looks like a female too, does she have a bright white egg spot? I think I can see one on the first pic, the parents are gorgeous I am very fond of plakats