Baby Betta


Fish Aficionado
Jan 1, 2006
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My betta bought last Saturday(only £2.50 instead of the normal £4.50) has now decided it is dark blue very pale when I first got it. He is half the size of my other 2 bettas. Spends most of his time hiding and sleeping in his weed. He comes out to eat just had bloodworm..liked those. No sign of bubble nest and he is not at all agressive when I go to tank he just hides. Is he just very young? He is the smallest I have ever bought. Water condition is fine and he looks fine when I see him! :)
I got a little bitty one just after Christmas and it took him awhile to acclimate too. Yours is eating so that's a good sign. Maybe he's just shy. Wait until he feels more comfortable and is acting all macho. You'll know his secret shy side. They sure have their own individual personalities don't they? Mine was so tiny like his body was only an inch long or so. I couldn't even feed him a pellet unless it was crushed. Yours is just waiting to reveal his personality to you so give it time.
Bless..he has been building a bubble nest this morning. I looked in the tank side and he rushed and hid in the weed! Got another one to pick up 2mora dont know where he is going to go!
He has made me another bubble nest...I dont think he is very brave I got a camera out and he hid.....I will try and take piccies but not very good at it...

I fed him frozen blood worms this morning instead of betta granules...perhaps it is his way of saying thanks mum!
He's just being furtive with you making those nests on the sly. Who me making nests? :no: I've been hiding in the weeds all morning and ....... :sly: If he's doing that, he can't be too bad off!!

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