

Fish Addict
Jun 2, 2003
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my platty just gave she okay to stay in the box with the fry? what shall i do?
okay....they in a breeder box with a lil thing at the bottom so she can stay in the box but cant get to the i feed them or what? does she give birth all at once or in bursts?
If you have a grate in the breeder box, I would take her out because once the babies can swim well, they can just go up the grate right into the mommy's jaws. If you have another tank I would recommend putting her in there by herself; I've heard that if you put a livebearer back in it's tank with other fish right after it's given birth, the other fish might bother it and it might weaken it and die.
do excatly what Aqua_Princess64 said and nothing should go wrong. Good luck with the babies
Don't worry about feeding the fry until mommy is finished giving birth and you take her out of the box. It is a good idea to keep her separate from the males for a day of two just because she is tired and could use a rest to get her strength back. They will be right after her if you don't.
If you don't have another tank and have some room in the one you have, you could get another breeder box. One for the babies, one for the mommy to rest in for a bit. That's what I do with my guppies.

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