

Oct 4, 2003
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so i guess my big fat molly was pregnant after all. i noticed she was chasing something really tiny around the tank. i came closer and saw that she was really thin so i knew right away she had babies. and sure enough i saw 2 HUGE fry. they must be around 1/3 of an inch in length and they already have spots just like their mom. i hope there are more and that they won't get eaten even though they're this big already. this is so exciting! :D
Congrats on the babies! That is a huge baby!

My guppy must have given birth last night when I was at work because when I got home and went to look at the fish I saw she was skinny. I saw one fry but haven't seen it since. My community tank is pretty full so I expect that the fry were all eaten. Hopefully the female won't give birth again because I want to start the new round of breeding and want to select which male is the father. Plus I don't have room right now!
Guppymonkey thats exactly what happened to me!!! i only found one fry(my guppy had her fry in my community tank too) adn i left for 10 mins, came back and it was gone. Except when i looked at my guppies i saw two of them skinnier....thats alot of babies to go
thanks :) i counted 4 in total and they're already brave little fellows, swimming around everywhere, can't wait to see what they'll look like when they're older

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