B&w Plec But What L Number?


Leader of the Pieces
Mar 25, 2006
Reaction score
saw this at my lfs.
labelled as plecostamus gypsy and max size 12" (?)
selling for £35
please ID
low quality photos from my mobile phone.


- Peckoltia vittata
- L002
- Panaque maccus


Mostly looks like this: L236

better pics would be a help if possible

- Peckoltia vittata
- L002
- Panaque maccus


Mostly looks like this: L236

better pics would be a help if possible

but certainly won't grow to 12" as the lfs adverstised ?
I'm quite certain it's not L134 and L333 - markings are not right.
I'm quite certain it's not L134 and L333 - markings are not right.
£35 for a 3-incher sounds right?
thanks again Bloo :good:

i like the note on PC:
General Remarks A very beautiful species rarely seen on stocklists. If you ever come by some, you should jump at the chance without any hesitation!
Yep sounds good to me. You could always check from the shop which country they imported from - that will narrow things down somewhat as well. Even if it just came in under "gypsy pleco". And check with the guys over at PF if you haven't already done so. However at the end of the day with some many of these B&W fish very similar, I guess no one can say with 100% certainty unless you have a very clear and close up pic.
But my instinct says L236.
some times ignorance on part of the retailor pays off then... lol

/me is jealous beyond belief now...
OK for those interested: L236 / L399 & L400 are all the same fish :blink: so says PC & PF anyway.....

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