Axolotls are brilliant creatures. The best way to keep them......
A 2 foot tank will be large enough for one specimen for approximately 12 months. Axolotl's Grow. FAST! Once thy get to 6". You need to think about getting them a tank atleast 3 foot long, and atleast 15" wide. This should then be big enough for the rest of their lives.
Axolotls are Neotenic. Unlike other Salamanders. This means that they are born, develop into, and breed themselves completely underwater. Therefore you should NEVER remove your axolotl from water. It has been done before. And they have survived. But it is in no way benficial to the animal. And shouldn't be done.
Axolotls are opportunists, meaning they will eat anything given to them. In the wild, they eat anything from fish to plants and inverts to worms. So try to replicate this as much as possible by feeding things like Bloodworm, earthworms, sinking pellets, the odd live fish, Gammarus (if you can source them) and plant cuttings from another tank.
The tank should consist of sand bottom. NO gravel. They can accidentally ingest this and it can wreak havoc for the animals digestive tracts, usually leading to death.
Plants can be used, they will try to eat them. So be aware of that. They will also need a cave/hiding place to retreat when they feel like it. An open swimming area is a good idea too as they sometimes have random 'bolts' of energy and will swim from end to end at quite a speed.
Filtration is important. Axolotols need good clean oxygenated water. But a strong waterflow is a no-no. They come from fairly shallow lakes. Where there is very little water flow.
They are EXTREMELY rare in the wild. They can now only be found in Lake Xochimilco. Where the water temperature doesn't exceed 20.C Match this in your aquarium.
NO trankmates, any fish will be quickly eaten. Or they will eat away at the Axolotls' limbs and gills. Axolotls should be kept solitary unless in very large tanks where they can be kept with another axolotl or more if the tank size permits.
There are a few different colour varietys available today.
Wild Type. These are the wild colours. Usually dark shades of brown sometimes even mottled greens.
Albino. Self explanitory. Pink in colour with Black eyes and Red gills. The most common after wild types.
Golden. Golden coloured, hard to find good specimens.
Black. In my opinion, the most beautiful variation. Although i am yet to come across a good sized one.
Price wise. You can expect to pay anything from £10 for a juvenile of around 3 inches. And then anything up to £30 for a good sized adult.
Hope this post was of some use to you
If you decide to dive into the world of the Mexican Mole Salamander. Let me know
I'd be more than happy to guide you and assist in any way i could. I've got good experience with them, although i am yet to breed them