Fish Crazy
Just to make this clear i am no ameteur when it comes to fish/reptile/amphibian Keeping ^^
Now i have a recently vacant 30 (US) gal tank.
I've been looking into things to put into it.
After much deliberation on the internet i came across a page with Ambystoma mexicanum (Axolotl)
Reading through the information i decided these would be an interested specimin to keep,
And work'd out i could have 2 quite happily in the system.
Now as these animals seem more of a specialist creature,
I'm looking for as much experienced information and help from any person who has
Kept them in the past.
I "could" go read up information on the internet,
And i will. But i value the information from keeper's here as well.
I'd prefer not to have replies such as "sorry, never kept em mate"
Or replies which are blatant post count increasers.
Another note is i shant be getting them "if i do"
for another 2 weeks as im on holiday 23rd.
Thankyou in advance for all advice given,
And i appreciate any valid input.
Now i have a recently vacant 30 (US) gal tank.
I've been looking into things to put into it.
After much deliberation on the internet i came across a page with Ambystoma mexicanum (Axolotl)
Reading through the information i decided these would be an interested specimin to keep,
And work'd out i could have 2 quite happily in the system.
Now as these animals seem more of a specialist creature,
I'm looking for as much experienced information and help from any person who has
Kept them in the past.
I "could" go read up information on the internet,
And i will. But i value the information from keeper's here as well.
I'd prefer not to have replies such as "sorry, never kept em mate"
Or replies which are blatant post count increasers.
Another note is i shant be getting them "if i do"
for another 2 weeks as im on holiday 23rd.
Thankyou in advance for all advice given,
And i appreciate any valid input.