Awwww Daaamnnn!

Jake Jackson

Fish Fanatic
Mar 20, 2007
Reaction score
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA
Okay, tryin to be a good fish owner, I made my choice yesterday. I removed my Oscar. Just happens my LFS had a buy 2 fish get 1 free sale. So I came back home w/ a gold severum, rubbernose plec, and pictus cat.

Bringing my 55 gal stock list to 1 JD, 1 Severum, 1 pictus, 1 rubberlip plec, and 1 bristlenose plec.

Took everything out the tank, vacuumed really good, added all the decor rearranged the plants, and added the other fish, mine you the JD stayed in the tank all this time.

So, now, I think my JD has dediced sinec his O roommate got evicted he was gonna become unruly, cause now he's aggresive. And seems to have claimed the entire tank as his.


How to curb aggression in this little JD?

Should I remove the sev and bring the O back?

Should I get some dithers/targets? If so, what kind? (Congo Tetras are hard to get)

This is not what I wanted please help.
A sev and a jd in the 55 isnt going to work. There isnt enough territory for both of them, especially not when they are full grown. If you remove the sev things should get better, though he may still feel a little threatned by the cat, so just watch those two.

So solution, take sev back.... because in the long run it will not work in the 55G, and watch the cat and jd's interaction

Just a little question too.... did you add them straight from the lfs? Because you should always quarentine new fish for two to three weeks to make sure they are healthy. If they have a disease from the store then it will quickly spread to your other fish and will be a pain to completely remove from the tank..... hopefully things will work out and you get lucky with no illness but for future, use a quarentine tank :good:
People say to qaurantine fish, hardly anyone does it :rolleyes: .I have only got an ill fish when i was a noob.Anway you should be able to tell if the fish or any other fish are ill at the lfs.Many people don't have facilities for a qaurantine tank, or the money.But having one is always best. I have just set up and ill fish/qaurantine tank for my severums which have developed whitespot (getting bullied by my pearsei) and once they are better it can be a qaurantine tank :good:
Didn't quarantine, but what should I do now?

Should I add some black skirt tetras maybe as dithers/targets?

Take the JD out? but then what can I house w/ the Sevreum?

Take the Sev out? but then what can I house w/ the JD?
Hi! I've had a couple of aggressivity issues, so I can relate. I think it's best to have an odd number of aggressive fish in a tank. That way, the dominant one won't always pick on only one fish. His aggressivity will be distributed between more members.

I've started my 40 gallons aquarium with the severums, a blood parrot, and a pleco (I didn't know this one wouldn't stay small!). They were tiny, but now they've grown a lot and I didn't have any other choice but to purchase another fish tank, much larger this time. I'm not sure your 55 gallon will be enough for your fish, but if you do keep them, provide them with a lot of hiding places. A lot.
People say to qaurantine fish, hardly anyone does it :rolleyes: .I have only got an ill fish when i was a noob.Anway you should be able to tell if the fish or any other fish are ill at the lfs.Many people don't have facilities for a qaurantine tank, or the money.But having one is always best. I have just set up and ill fish/qaurantine tank for my severums which have developed whitespot (getting bullied by my pearsei) and once they are better it can be a qaurantine tank :good:

Well if you dont quarentine your fish, then thats your choice cheesy. Yes the fish may not look ill right from the store, but it can still carry an illness and it can start to multiply and thrive in your tank. Its not worth getting your whole tank sick in my opinion. If your getting the fish from a reliable source in which proper care is taken of the fish then go for just putting them in, but if its a regualr bulk fish from any lfs then I would quarentine it 100% of the time as conditions of an lfs can breed many common illness' in a flash.

Jake -

Dont worry, probably won't see anything but at the first sign of any whitespot or fungus, begin treating with the proper meds immediatly so the illness does not spiral out of control. If you see nothing after three weeks then you are in the clear as illness goes

You can take either the sev or the jd out but one must go. As for dithers, a robust fish that grows to a decent size, as to not become a snack for the big guy left in your tank.
Hmm... its up to you, heres your options..

Rehome the Sev, keep the JD and have no other fish except bottom feeders


Rehome the JD, Keep the sev, get another sev and keep all your bottom feeders.

personally i would

Rehome the Jd, and get another sev. you could then add some dithers.
People say to qaurantine fish, hardly anyone does it :rolleyes: .I have only got an ill fish when i was a noob.Anway you should be able to tell if the fish or any other fish are ill at the lfs.Many people don't have facilities for a qaurantine tank, or the money.But having one is always best. I have just set up and ill fish/qaurantine tank for my severums which have developed whitespot (getting bullied by my pearsei) and once they are better it can be a qaurantine tank :good:

Well if you dont quarentine your fish, then thats your choice cheesy. Yes the fish may not look ill right from the store, but it can still carry an illness and it can start to multiply and thrive in your tank. Its not worth getting your whole tank sick in my opinion. If your getting the fish from a reliable source in which proper care is taken of the fish then go for just putting them in, but if its a regualr bulk fish from any lfs then I would quarentine it 100% of the time as conditions of an lfs can breed many common illness' in a flash.

Jake -

Dont worry, probably won't see anything but at the first sign of any whitespot or fungus, begin treating with the proper meds immediatly so the illness does not spiral out of control. If you see nothing after three weeks then you are in the clear as illness goes

You can take either the sev or the jd out but one must go. As for dithers, a robust fish that grows to a decent size, as to not become a snack for the big guy left in your tank.
Yeh, I try and buy fish from shops I trust...Don't mean this to be an in your face question but did you ever qaurantine your fish?
I've got the exact same Oscar as I had, turns out the LFS put in a quarintine tank all alone

I setup a 10gal tank, and used some dechlorinator, and took one of the 55 gal filters and used it for the 10 gal tank. I'ts been cycling for about 1 day.

I just got the Oscar acclimated to the 55 gal, and shut the lights off for him, so he can get used to things. Took the JD out of the 55 gal, and am in the process of getting him over to the 10 gal tank.

Gonna let the O get back settled in alone in the tank, then reintroduce the JD in about a 2 weeks.

Good plan? Yay or Nay?

I know it wont be a long term fix, but I'm hoping within 6 months to get something 2 or 3 times as big as the 55 gall.
I've got the exact same Oscar as I had, turns out the LFS put in a quarintine tank all alone

I setup a 10gal tank, and used some dechlorinator, and took one of the 55 gal filters and used it for the 10 gal tank. I'ts been cycling for about 1 day.

I just got the Oscar acclimated to the 55 gal, and shut the lights off for him, so he can get used to things. Took the JD out of the 55 gal, and am in the process of getting him over to the 10 gal tank.

Gonna let the O get back settled in alone in the tank, then reintroduce the JD in about a 2 weeks.

Good plan? Yay or Nay?

I know it wont be a long term fix, but I'm hoping within 6 months to get something 2 or 3 times as big as the 55 gall.


its kinda turned from bad to worse. as in around 1 year a baby oscar can reach 10" so the o will outgrow his tank before you get a new one.

your stratagey will work. but i would defo return both oscar and jd and gt 2 severums or just return the oscar and keep the jd.
Hmmm... I've read that Oscars grow at about 1 inch per month when kept at optimal conditions.

Considering he is 2 inches now, in 6 months he should be pushing 8 or 9 inches. 55 gal reg is 12 inches wide. The JD would grow a little slower, so I'd say he'd be about 6 or 7 inches then.

I think 6 months would be the MAX amount of time I have. A year and he will definately be in something bigger, as I wouldn't be able to bear just a bear tank. :rolleyes:
People say to qaurantine fish, hardly anyone does it :rolleyes: .I have only got an ill fish when i was a noob.Anway you should be able to tell if the fish or any other fish are ill at the lfs.Many people don't have facilities for a qaurantine tank, or the money.But having one is always best. I have just set up and ill fish/qaurantine tank for my severums which have developed whitespot (getting bullied by my pearsei) and once they are better it can be a qaurantine tank :good:

Well if you dont quarentine your fish, then thats your choice cheesy. Yes the fish may not look ill right from the store, but it can still carry an illness and it can start to multiply and thrive in your tank. Its not worth getting your whole tank sick in my opinion. If your getting the fish from a reliable source in which proper care is taken of the fish then go for just putting them in, but if its a regualr bulk fish from any lfs then I would quarentine it 100% of the time as conditions of an lfs can breed many common illness' in a flash.

Jake -

Dont worry, probably won't see anything but at the first sign of any whitespot or fungus, begin treating with the proper meds immediatly so the illness does not spiral out of control. If you see nothing after three weeks then you are in the clear as illness goes

You can take either the sev or the jd out but one must go. As for dithers, a robust fish that grows to a decent size, as to not become a snack for the big guy left in your tank.
Yeh, I try and buy fish from shops I trust...Don't mean this to be an in your face question but did you ever qaurantine your fish?

Yes, ive quarentined all my fish, and what you've said about people dont have the resources or space to have one, thats rediculous. For most fish you buy, unless they are full grown, can fit into a 10G for the few weeks of quarentine and to set up a tank like that, no more than $50. If you have other tanks then this should be no big expense. And if you can't afford this then have patience and wait. ANd isnt that what everyone says about fish-keeping, that patience is a virtue? No need to rush anything
Just a little question too.... did you add them straight from the lfs? Because you should always quarentine new fish for two to three weeks to make sure they are healthy. If they have a disease from the store then it will quickly spread to your other fish and will be a pain to completely remove from the tank..... hopefully things will work out and you get lucky with no illness but for future, use a quarentine tank

Ok I am bad bad bad. In my 15 years of fish keeping I have never quarentined, tho I aggree it is a great idea. Just wondering do you keep a tank up and running? in which case how do you keep the filter media alive? Or do you just set up a new tank and put a live filter on it when needed?
People say to qaurantine fish, hardly anyone does it :rolleyes: .I have only got an ill fish when i was a noob.Anway you should be able to tell if the fish or any other fish are ill at the lfs.Many people don't have facilities for a qaurantine tank, or the money.But having one is always best. I have just set up and ill fish/qaurantine tank for my severums which have developed whitespot (getting bullied by my pearsei) and once they are better it can be a qaurantine tank :good:

Well if you dont quarentine your fish, then thats your choice cheesy. Yes the fish may not look ill right from the store, but it can still carry an illness and it can start to multiply and thrive in your tank. Its not worth getting your whole tank sick in my opinion. If your getting the fish from a reliable source in which proper care is taken of the fish then go for just putting them in, but if its a regualr bulk fish from any lfs then I would quarentine it 100% of the time as conditions of an lfs can breed many common illness' in a flash.

Jake -

Dont worry, probably won't see anything but at the first sign of any whitespot or fungus, begin treating with the proper meds immediatly so the illness does not spiral out of control. If you see nothing after three weeks then you are in the clear as illness goes

You can take either the sev or the jd out but one must go. As for dithers, a robust fish that grows to a decent size, as to not become a snack for the big guy left in your tank.
Yeh, I try and buy fish from shops I trust...Don't mean this to be an in your face question but did you ever qaurantine your fish?

Yes, ive quarentined all my fish, and what you've said about people dont have the resources or space to have one, thats rediculous. For most fish you buy, unless they are full grown, can fit into a 10G for the few weeks of quarentine and to set up a tank like that, no more than $50. If you have other tanks then this should be no big expense. And if you can't afford this then have patience and wait. ANd isnt that what everyone says about fish-keeping, that patience is a virtue? No need to rush anything

Well i know basically none of my fish i bought could live in a 10 gallon and yes some people DO NOT HAVE THE RESOURCES.A 10gal set up will cost about £40-50.So yes if you only have small fish that should not be a problem for most people.I did make a poll on tropical chat.
Well since we have totally hi-jacked jake's thread here I'll just say, if you don't quarentine, thats your choice. Fishkeeping has general basics that most people should follow. I think quarentineing is a good decision for most small fish that people buy from lfs'. True, if your buying a aro from a breeder then you should know its healthy before they even ship it with the money your spending. But for basic fish such as tetras, platys, gourami's, etc, the basic lfs fish, I would quarentine them every time.

I dont keep the quarentine up all the time as I very rarely ever buy new fish or have health problems with the current residents. But If I do need one i just take some media from my established tank and place it in the 10G after the water has warmed up. And 40 or 50 pounds or dollars is not that much as if your older then you can spare the money while for some of the younger fish enthusiasts, the parents should be involved and can help out with money. I feel its just one of the necessary pieces of healthy fishkeeping and should be factored into expenses, but of course thats my opinion

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