Awww nuts!


Devils Advocate
May 24, 2004
Reaction score
Well, I've doomed myself. Today was the day I jumped into the pit of DOOOOM!!!

I bought a betta.

I'm so screwed, because one really means two, and two means three more, and then it's 'lets have babies!' *smacks head against keyboard*

WHYWHYWHY??!! did there have to be a kinda steel blue/black betta? WHY???? It makes me feel evil and fuzzy all at the same time....
Your average veiltail, but I really liked is color so I bought him hehe. I didn't know it till this morning but he's got a good bit taken out of the top of his tail, so I put some melafix in his tank. He's trying to attack my dragon figurine right now so I don't think the tail thing is bothering him much. He has this pale stripe that runs from his head to his tail too. Well, I guess the floodgates are open now, (no pun intended) so I'll have to save money to get some more then....
It never ends, does it? I think my husband is going to kick me out of the house if I tell him I want "just one more fish." :rolleyes:

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