Aw..lil baby fishes


May 4, 2003
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T.O (Toronto)
do you think there will be any more fry in the tank? it's my first time i ahve seen the guppy fry in like 8 months :/ and i thought that there is just something wrong with this one..then 2 days ago i saw 2 of they swimming around together so i quickly got em up and tranfered them to my breeding box, in the other tank (problem?) then yesterday i saw one and transfered it again, then after 5 minutes, i saw another so i transfered it to box and i didnt see anymore, do you think that there might be more? i can tear the tank down to find more? i have 4 guppies now and will my 1.5 month old platty hurt/kill/eat them? :unsure: anyways., i'm happy already :fun: i also noticed that they are all..female? iisn't that weird? 4 females? :X
u can strip ur tank if u want, but if u were to find more u might not have enough room for them so thing about that. the babie fish should be ok with the platy but just make sure that the mouth on our platy isnt big enough 2 eat the fry!
snotirl said:
u can strip ur tank if u want, but if u were to find more u might not have enough room for them so thing about that. the babie fish should be ok with the platy but just make sure that the mouth on our platy isnt big enough 2 eat the fry!
:eek: it's mough is not big enough but it's size is twize as big?...

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