Avrage Cost In Electricity Per Year?

not very much atall, you wanna try running a 6 X 2 X 2 marine reef with 3 X 400W halides, thats when the cost starts to add up when it costs £5 to put the lights on every day...
Your electricity supplier will quote a price per unit of electricity which take the form of price per kilowatt hour. This means the cost of running a 1 kilowatt appliance for one hour e.g. a 2kilowatt fire would consume two units of electricity in one hour (2 x 1kw/hr) - if your supplier charges 10p per kw/hr then you would consume 20p worth of electricity.

A 1w appliance would take 1000 hours to consume 1kw/hr so the cost would be (using 10p unit as above) 10/1000 i.e. 0.01 of a penny each hour (or £0.0001 in pounds).

so taking the 15w tube as an example...

1000/ 15 = 66hours to consume 1kw (10p as an average unti price - check with supplier as it may be higher/ lower)

66/ 12hr (how long you leave light on for) = 5.5p per day.

Thanks, Aaron.

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