Avatar Troubles?


Fish Crazy
Aug 23, 2010
Reaction score
Springfield MA, U.S.A
Hello, I've tried changing my avatar over and over agian but it just won't change. It keeps saying something like.... please select an image for file. Any ideas?
PM me a link to or an example of the av you are trying to upload.
Having the same bother myself, each time I upload a new picture the old one just comes back?
ooops now I dont have one at all :lol:

ok tried the new one again and the old one came back!
PM me a link to or an example of the av you are trying to upload.

I'm having this problem, just now. I can upload an avatar, and all goes well, only problem is. it still shows the same old avatar, even if i remove my current one, then upload my new one. (from my desk top.) i still get the same old friend looking back.
They dont change instantly for some reason, I gave up thinking I was stuck with my old one and it suddenly changed.
They dont change instantly for some reason, I gave up thinking I was stuck with my old one and it suddenly changed.

well, i know what's happening. though not why!
on the user CP its its displaying a latent image of my original. leading me to believe it had not changed. however if you visit a thread, the avatar shown, is the NEW one. and a return trip to, user CP shows the new one, now displayed.

it could be a browser problem? or simply a bug in the forum software. either way, its not that much of a problem.

on the "browser" theory. what browsers are people using. when they get the problem?

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