Avatar Changes?..

Ludwig Venter

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 7, 2008
Reaction score
South Africa
I changed my Avatar at home to the Fifa world cup emblem, yet, when I log in at work.... it reverts back to my previous Avatar... even when I change it at work, when I click on "save new Avatar"... it reverts back to my original.... Why would that one not accept my new (updated) avatar????
I changed my Avatar at home to the Fifa world cup emblem, yet, when I log in at work.... it reverts back to my previous Avatar... even when I change it at work, when I click on "save new Avatar"... it reverts back to my original.... Why would that one not accept my new (updated) avatar????

try uploading from pc rather than a image storage site?
Hold CTRL and hit F5 on any page where you can see your avatar, otherwise clear your cache if you know how, if you don't post the name of your web browser and I'll show you how.
Hold CTRL and hit F5 on any page where you can see your avatar, otherwise clear your cache if you know how, if you don't post the name of your web browser and I'll show you how.
You Genius you... Thanks, it worked.
Yet what happens is the computer stores a cached copy on the computer, this means it can load it from the PC and not the net saving on download times.

CTRL and hit F5 just tells the computer to reload everything.

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