Automatic water topper uper


Moved On
Feb 5, 2004
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Kudelstaart (Amsterdam) (The Netherlands)
Has any one built or thinking of building an automatic water reservoir. I would like to add one to my tank which would automatically adds water when the tank evaporates to a level.

I have thought of a way to do this with a water stop cock from a toilet. (Big rubber ball on the end of the tap.)

This would then connect up to the reservoir which I can top up every so many days and let it sit to de-chlorinate.
Fozz, this is a typical addition to marine tanks. Many things have been tried over the years. The best, most accurate method uses a small float switch wired to a small powerhead in the resovoir.

If you had an inline container holding some kind of material that would remove the chlorine you could use a thermostatic mixing valve and top off the water at a set tempeture. Just tie the mixing valve into a hot and cold supply line and there is no need for an extra resivour or your heater to bring the water from room temp to tank temp.

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