Automatic Feeder Recomendations


New Member
Jul 25, 2006
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oradell new jersey
im going away for about a week. can anyone recomend a brand of automatic feeder they have had success with please. any help will be greatly appreciated. thanks.

If you're only going to be gone a week, your fish will be fine. Just feed them normally the day you leave. If you feel that they must be fed while you're gone, find a friend to do it for you. Measure out the normal amount of food for a day and put it in individual cups. All the person feeding will have to do is pour it in the tank. Even at that, you wouldn't have to wory about feeding more than every other day. And hide the rest of the food so that they can't decide that you aren't feeding enough and add more.

It's a good idea to have someone check on them anyway, just in case the filters or heater malfunctions. You wouldn't be there to fix it but at least you could probably talk them through what to do. You wouldn't want to come home to a tank that the thermostat on the heater had hung up and the water temp was 90+ with a lot of dead fish. If you can't get anyone to check on them for you, that is an even better reason to not feed them. The less food they eat, the less waste they will produce so even if a filter stopped working, less waste means less ammonia in the tank.

I have heard of good and bad results from the auto feeders. If you do use one, make sure you run it for at least 2 weeks before you leave to make sure it is putting the proper amount of food in the tank. If it puts in too much, that's more waste and more ammonia.
i am currently using eheim and they are :good:
wow very interesting. the bottom feeders will have algae and debris, im not worried about them, but your saying fish can go a week without eating? ive not heard that.
A week is nothing- for such a short period of time it's easier not to feed than to rely on an expensive auto-feeder that could well dump everything into the tank and kill the fish. Unlikely, but possible.
Yes, fish can easily go a week without food. You will probably return to a very clean tank. One possible problem with that though is those people who have angels and neons (or other similarly mismatched fish) in the same tank and say they grew up together so the angels don't bother the neons. After a few days without food, the angels may decide the neons look like dinner again.
very interesting indeed. as you can see from my sig, the species should all get along well so that wouldnt be a problem. but not needing to feed for a week. now thats what i call news you can use. ill give it a shot. thanks very much

sorry to steal your thread - but no-one replied to mine yesterday!

would fry be ok for a week without food? we have an automatic feeder for the main tank, but we have 2 fry in a seperate tank. ones big enough for the main tank now, but the other is still a little small. u think he would be ok in there for 10 days?
would fry be ok for a week without food? we have an automatic feeder for the main tank, but we have 2 fry in a seperate tank. ones big enough for the main tank now, but the other is still a little small. u think he would be ok in there for 10 days?
I have never raised fry but from what I have read, they need lots of food and would not make it through a week without. You might try asking in the Livebearers section. Ten days may even be stretching it on the others.

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