Automatic Capitalization Of First Letters?


Nyah Nyah Nyah!
Mar 12, 2005
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There's a grammatical problem with the board. It's automatically capitalizing the first letter of every word in the topic title. Can we get it switched off?
I think I heard something mentioned of it stopping people writing titles in caps, indicating shouting, but I'm not sure.
Wouldn't surprise me. I remember a lot of all caps posts showing up until recently which is why I assumed it was done intentionally.
Didn't we have people complaining because they couldn't use caps in the topics not too long ago (at least, not all words)? Perhaps someone tried fixing this, and it obviously didn't work out very well. I quite like the caps on every word though :p
I find this to be irritating at times, particulaly if I need to capitalise words or abbreviations. We are discussing it on the mod board at this time. The view at the moment is that it stops the all capitals titles that we had been seeing a lot of. As usual, the antics of a few spoilers result in a measure of inconvenience for the majority.

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