Auto Feeders


New Member
Oct 22, 2008
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hello, help needed please most feeders on the market are to large to fit beneath my hood, is it ok to leave part of the hood off {the hood comes in two halves} while im away, also any ideas to which are the best feeders on the market............thanks dave
If the tank is established, then a week or two will NOT be a problem .... ie they dont need to be fed !
Yep completely agree, unless you are raising fry and as long as your fish are healthy they will do just fine (I have left my FW tropicals for over a week without feeding them in an established tank and they where still spawning when I came back home :) ). Cheaper autofeeders are not know for reliability either and have been know to either not work or dump a whole mess of food in the tank in one go.

Also dont be tempted to feed the fish a lot more in the few days before you leave as this will mean more waste in the tank.

Edit: And definitely do not use them block things that you drop in the tank and they are supposed to give the fish enough food for X amount of days. All it ends up doing is fouling your water.

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