Australian Rainbowfish


Fish Fanatic
Jan 23, 2008
Reaction score
Arlington Texas
I have six australian rainbowfish, 1 small pleco, 1 small chinese algae eater, and 1 ivory mystery snail in my ten gallon tank and yesterday while I was watching my fish I noticed that one rainbowfish in particular had this strange bump on it's head.

Now this fish has always had a little spot there and at first it looked like ich, so I treated the tank and it never went away never changed at all, I finally decided that maybe it was just the way the fish was. Well, while I was watching it last night it seems like this spot has become a small bump, almost like a growth, but it's so tiny. I'm not quite sure what this could be.

I tried to get pictures but it wouldn't hold still long enough no matter what I tried... This fish and all the other ones seem fine. This fish doesn't seem to be bothered by this bump either, it just seems to be there.
it could be a small tumor or just a bruise. Unfortunately without a pic it is hard to say but if it isn't growing very fast then it is probably a tumor.
Bacterial infections usually grow pretty rapidly, within a few days to a week. Fungus is similar in its growth rate. Tumors can take months to grow.
im thinking then it is probably a tumor cause it's been growing really slowly and like, if the light hits him just right, there are other spots inside that look the same but they arent showing. it basically looks like tumors are overtaking her body... im not sure what to do... let her live her life out or put her out? is she in pain? will she be ok if she just lives it out?
Most tumors don't cause any pain or discomfort until they get really big. Then they usually put pressure on organs that are near it. The pain comes from the pressure against the organs. If the fish is still eating and swimming around then leave her be. When she stops eating and doesn't swim around with the others anymore, or if she just floats around near the surface or starts to have fits, then it is time to put her down.

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