Australian Rainbow Fish


Devils Advocate
May 24, 2004
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I saw these at a store and they were pretty neat looking, plus my mom really likes the bosami (sp?) ones at another store, so I was wondering what anyone can tell me about them. I was thinking about putting a few in my thirty gallon with my firemouth and bristlenose (I'm probably getting another one of these soon), but don't know anything about them, and I wasn't going to post this in New Worlds because I don't know enough about them to know if they would even go in my thirty gallon alright, let alone with the fire (whose currently in a ten gallon till my older brother gets my pictus from the thirty).

So... any help? :unsure:
Beautiful, peaceful, shoaling species that gets to around 3". They aren't picky, quite hardy, non-nippy and will take any commercial foods. What else is there to say? :p They would do fine in a 30 gallon though I don't know how they'd be with the firemouth but they are quick swimmers and should probably be fine. The only problem you MIGHT encounter is that they often nibble on live plants but it isn't realy too serious.
NinjaSmurf said:
bosami (sp?)
I think u mean 'Bosmani" rainbows.Yeah, our aussie fish are cuties. Pretty much what sylvia said, although other fish do tend to go for their long trailing fins so no barbs. etc.

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