Australian Duncans


Fish Maniac
Mar 4, 2005
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Hi People,
Australian Duncan Coral
As above...Anyone got any personal or general information on the care and husbandry of the above coral sp.
Many Thanks
I have a few heads of Duncan...not sure if its Australlian or not.
I have found that they do well postitioned in the rock toward the bottom of the tank. With decent lighting, they grow well. THey do well in both fast and moderate the minute my piece is in low/moderate flow. I feed it with a mix of frozen:brine shrimp, rotifers and cylops once a week. I also dose the tank with live phytoplankton once every other day and i direct Coral Frenzy to certain coral, like the Duncans, 3 times a week
Duncans are VERY hardy corals actually. IME one of the most resillient of the hard corals. If you want them to grow like weeds, feed with brine/mysis/chopped anything/etc. With the addition of spot-feeding they will grow exponentially. If not fed, their growth is painfully slow, although they will not suffer without food.

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