Auriga Buttlerfly


New Member
Apr 12, 2009
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I've had a auriga butterfly in my tank now bet 2-3 months. When i first put him in my yellow tang gave him abit of a hard time but within a couple of days seemed to accept him. Its fair to say the auriga has been pretty passive. Since introducing it i have had a couple of outbreaks of white spot, always starting on the auriga. I have managed to treat it using cuprazin.

In the last 24/48 hrs the butterfly has become very lifeless and hardly swimming at all and occasionally appears to be "shivering". Tonight he has scrapped himself against one of the rock and although i have checked him i cannot see any sign of whitespot. What has really worried me is that he hasnt fed, which is a fist.

I have treated the tank again with cuprazin but am now pretty worried about loosing this great looking fish.

I dont have a quaratine tank to put him into, any help or advice would be certainly appreciated.

The tank is 150l and has the butterfly, yellow tang, picaso trigger, 2 x chromis, damsel, jewel puffer and a blenny.
sorry about you loss and when you say your water is ok what is it testing like

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