Augh. Shiva Destroyed The Nest Again!


Feb 2, 2008
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Urbana, IL
So, my second attempt at breeding the female in my signature with the guy below did not work. Both times he has built a very modest nest, and both times she has run her little nose through it and chased him all around the tank. Back to conditioning them...again. I think I'll give her 1 or 2 more tries. I'll be so sad if I don't ever get any fry from them. They're such beautiful little fish! She's so feisty though! How do you deal with a female like this? She's so full of eggs she looks about to burst, but still doesn't want to let him near her! Augh.

So, my second attempt at breeding the female in my signature with the guy below did not work. Both times he has built a very modest nest, and both times she has run her little nose through it and chased him all around the tank. Back to conditioning them...again. I think I'll give her 1 or 2 more tries. I'll be so sad if I don't ever get any fry from them. They're such beautiful little fish! She's so feisty though! How do you deal with a female like this? She's so full of eggs she looks about to burst, but still doesn't want to let him near her! Augh.

I have a female like that, she's a nightmare lol
i've found it helps if the male has a little more conditioning,
they look a gorgeous pair, good luck with them,
often my female will chase the male around for a day or two before mine spawn
maybe leaving them together a bit longer will help, the male can always build a new bubble nest
one of my males had to rebuild his nest 5 times before spawning and eventually had to build a new one as they spawned
some females are just like that.
I've also had a few that help to build the bubble nest
its all individual character
Good luck with the spawning
they are an absolutely beautiful pair, lots of luck with spawning , hope they finaly realise what's meant to be done :)

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