Atyopsis gabonensis (or Cameroon Fan Shrimp)


New Member
Jul 5, 2004
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Chertsey, UK
I've recently started off an aquarium and would gratefully receive any hints and tips anybody is willing to share.

My query is about the shrimp as I have not found any good websites with info - he's a big bugger, around 10 cm and seems to be hiding a lot (but I've only had him 2 days).
What can I do to make him feel at ease, food/habitat wise?
Are these shrimps ok by themselves or are they happier in a pack?
Is the temp (25C) ok for him?
Any other tips would be greatly appreciated.

My aquarium is a live planted 60x30x30 cm and is currently inhabited by 3 platies, 3 catfish (small ones whose official name I can't remember) and the shrimp. temp is 25C
:hi: to the forum :D
Hey I have one of these guys :nod:

They like plenty of places to hide in the day, bogwood caves etc
Mine tends to comeout at night when the lights are off.

When I turn off the powerhead he pops his head out, as if to say where has the current gone. :lol:

BTW he dose a great job cleaning my sand/gravel bottom as well as the water. :cool:
oh and they like their own company
if you get a male and female they will breed like the proverbial rabbits :D

they are also called Cameroon Armoured Shrimp
Thanks Danio,
Nice to know there are others out there with the same sort. I've kept an eye on him and he does seem to become more active at night.
At the moment I'm crumbling up some flake for him when I feed the fish, but somehow I don't feel that's enough (as he's pretty huge and the platies eat all they see :rolleyes: ). You reckon he'll find enough food or should I provide something special for him?

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