Poor little thing may have internal parasites as Lithril says, another sign is clear stringy poop. I would pick up the Maracyn 2 as well as Discomed (IMO they work very well together) if you can find it, also to try and entice her to eat you can try melting some frozen brine shrimp in a small glass of conditioned water and then use an eye dropper to squirt small amounts into the water near her to try and peak her appitite. You could also try taking a small pond snail and smushing it against the glass near where she is in the tank, the smell/taste in the water may perk up her appitite a bit (be sure to give a couple snails to her tankmate so he doesn't get jealous).
Good luck, hope she perks up soon.
btw pp how are they getting on?
Thanks for asking Lithril, they are doing great

their tails have filled back in beautifully and the red fringing stands out real nice, I was all set to move them into the 35 gal this week, but have to put it off for another mission of mercy

, a fella I work with has sold his tank and has no place to put a 6in Jaguar Cichlid, so I will be keeping it in the 35 for a couple weeks until I'm sure it is healthy and I can find him a home....my poor little puffers will have to be patient for a little longer
Here is one of my latest pics, you can see the marked difference between Male (top) and female (bottom)....hope they breed