Attack Of The Pleco (help!)


New Member
Mar 25, 2007
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I have a juvenile albino pleco in my tank (not fully grown) which has now been in my tank for more tha 6 months he's beautiful & only decides to move when i leave the room but recently over the last few months a large amount of my guppies have had there tails nipped & bitten off causing them to die. I have kept a close eye on them & none of the other fish seem to nip the guppies tails is it possible that my pleco is nipping the other fishes tails when im not there? Has anybody spotted tis behaviour in their plecos before and if so is their a way i can solve it without having to sell my pleco??? HELP!!
I doubt it. Bristlenoses are fairly harmless. Aggressive when they need to be (which usually consists of flaring and chasing off whoever's bugging them) but against guppies? More likely the guppies are doing it to eachother. What other fish are in there?

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