At What Point....


New Member
Nov 27, 2009
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0 you stop doing stupid things and become safe to own fish?

So far during my fishless cycle I have:

1. Had a good sniff inside the ammonia bottle to see if it's scented, it certainly cleared the sinuses. :hyper:
2. Put a nice piece of bogwood into the tank, only to see the cycle stall a few days later. :sad:
3. Failed to shake the No 2 Nitrate bottle from day 1, and wonder what's eating the Nitrates up. :blush: (they're at 80ppm btw)

When I finally get round to buying the fish I'll probably forget to put them in the tank. you stop doing stupid things and become safe to own fish?

So far during my fishless cycle I have:

1. Had a good sniff inside the ammonia bottle to see if it's scented, it certainly cleared the sinuses. :hyper:
2. Put a nice piece of bogwood into the tank, only to see the cycle stall a few days later. :sad:
3. Failed to shake the No 2 Nitrate bottle from day 1, and wonder what's eating the Nitrates up. :blush: (they're at 80ppm btw)

When I finally get round to buying the fish I'll probably forget to put them in the tank.

LOL I think anyone that is honest has to admit they have made mistakes, serious or not in this hobby and in life in general. Heck I have bucket loads of times.

The thing to remember its a journey these minor mistakes will guide you and teach you, just have a good old laugh shake it of learn from it and move on.

Just wanted to congratulate you on choosing a fishless cycle :good:

Regards onebto.
He he, we have all done silly things. When I first started I:

- I realised 2 days later that i had left the heater unplugged since doing a water change on saturday or sunday.. Luckily for me, the missus likes the house toasty 24 hrs a day, so the temperature had only dropped by 1-2 degrees... and thats it. Seems like i could never have a cold water tank unless i get rid of the missus...

- Took out a lump of bogwood, carried on cleaning the tank to realise that I couldn't find the catfish. he was still hidden in the bogwood. Luckily i realised quick enough, but he would never forgive me.

- Tried removing the filter from the jewel rio by cutting/scraping the sealant used to stick it to the tank. Unfortunately i used the snap of blades. They snapped off and into my finger. Blood mixed with water makes it look a lot worse on the carpet and wall ;-)

We live and learn.. keep at it.

- Tried removing the filter from the jewel rio by cutting/scraping the sealant used to stick it to the tank. Unfortunately i used the snap of blades. They snapped off and into my finger. Blood mixed with water makes it look a lot worse on the carpet and wall ;-)

i have just cringed SO bad :sick: :lol:
I filled my tank with cold water when I first filled it, condensation everywhere!

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