At my LPS yesterday...


Kinda crazy, but somehow they let me stay
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jun 25, 2021
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So, I'm at my LPS and out of the corner of my eye, I spot a huge oscar (picture at the end) I brought my mom to it and told her about them and she said: "He is really pretty"... Then my little brother said "Ooo, can you get that for your tank?" I then said: "No, he is a bit too big"... So were going throughout the fish section and my little brother keeps asking: "Woah, thats a cool fish. Can we do that in the tank". Or "Lets do this fish for the tank"... It wasnt till later when I started to laugh... He goes "JOSH! josh! JOOOOOSH!, can we do these" when he says this he is pointing at the corals and the saltwater fish... I had to break his heart by saying: "Sorry, no... These are saltwater, we have freshwater" while saying this I'm grinning, trying to hold back a laugh... Cause tbh it was kinda funny...

Pic of the oscar:
But JOOOOOSH....'can't we get a bigger tank for that Oscar and another tank for salty water'.

(Another hobbyist in the making with early onslaught MTS! lol) :)
Ikr... He suprisingly wants to do a jar tank... Where its snails and shrimps...
As a kid my father had 5 oscars in a large custom tank. They are the fish that really caught my interest growing up. Each evening my father would grind up some beef heart and give it to me to feed them. By the time I was done I would be soaked and we would have to mop the water off the floor. You could feel their teeth on your fingers. We would also feed them whatever bugs or crawlies I could collect throughout the day, I was a good bug collector. I have always wanted them again but they need lots of attention, destroy the tank, and you also need a real big fish tank, so I have never got them for myself.
As a kid my father had 5 oscars in a large custom tank. They are the fish that really caught my interest growing up. Each evening my father would grind up some beef heart and give it to me to feed them. By the time I was done I would be soaked and we would have to mop the water off the floor. You could feel their teeth on your fingers. We would also feed them whatever bugs or crawlies I could collect throughout the day, I was a good bug collector. I have always wanted them again but they need lots of attention, destroy the tank, and you also need a real big fish tank, so I have never got them for myself.
What "special attention" do they need? I always thought they were built like tanks
I still have my 300+ collection....and no turntable, lol
CDs arrived on the scene when I was at 550ish. Not having to walk across the room to change sides every 25 mins or less was a revelation. Exit stage left LPs enter stage right CDs.
Then the last pre covid Xmas Mrs Lurch got me a turntable as I hadn’t had one for 20yrs so I dug out what remained of my LPs which was two of those old vinyl 70s covered LP carry cases with something like 80 LPs left. I’d sold the rest prefering the convenience of CDs…..of which I’ve around 2500 in the loft!
LPs and Spotify currently rule the roost in Clownlurch Castle.

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