So, I'm at my LPS and out of the corner of my eye, I spot a huge oscar (picture at the end) I brought my mom to it and told her about them and she said: "He is really pretty"... Then my little brother said "Ooo, can you get that for your tank?" I then said: "No, he is a bit too big"... So were going throughout the fish section and my little brother keeps asking: "Woah, thats a cool fish. Can we do that in the tank". Or "Lets do this fish for the tank"... It wasnt till later when I started to laugh... He goes "JOSH! josh! JOOOOOSH!, can we do these" when he says this he is pointing at the corals and the saltwater fish... I had to break his heart by saying: "Sorry, no... These are saltwater, we have freshwater" while saying this I'm grinning, trying to hold back a laugh... Cause tbh it was kinda funny...
Pic of the oscar:
Pic of the oscar: